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North Devon Housing Strategy consultation

North Devon Council is inviting people to have their say on a new draft Housing Strategy, which sets out a high-level vision and objectives as to how the council plans to try and meet the housing needs and hopes of our communities.

The Housing Strategy will guide the Council's activities in delivering and discharging its housing functions and responsibilities, whilst ensuring that resources and efforts are best directed to tackle the housing challenges that the area faces. It was compiled following the publication of the Devon Housing Commission Report in July 2024, championed by Lord Best.

The draft Strategy has been prepared in full consultation with a working group of elected Members, who have been involved through a dedicated workshop and feedback sessions. It is built on a foundation of three themes:

  • Prevent Homelessness: Preventing homelessness by supporting citizens to stay in their current home if they have one, but if this isn’t possible/or they are already homeless seek to help them find alternative solutions.
  • Provide New Housing Supply: Supply new housing to meet social demand, delivering affordable & sustainable healthy homes wherever possible.
  • Make Homes Healthy: Improving the quality of existing homes making them safe and healthy, in turn making their occupants healthy too.

The Council recognises the value of gaining different perspectives and insights and therefore inviting you to submit your views. The draft strategy is available for wider consultation for a period of seven weeks from Monday 10 February 2025 to Monday 31 March 2025. 

You can view the draft strategy and find out more by visiting the Council's website at Let's Talk North Devon

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and your views and feedback are valued.

The Council is using a new IT platform for consultation and engagement and you are invited to register to be kept up to date with opportunities to have your say and get involved with shaping the future of North Devon Register | Let's Talk North Devon

Thank you for your time when the survey closes the results will be summarised and presented to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 12 May 2025.  You can find Committee agendas and reports on the North Devon Council Committee Meetings webpage.  Browse Meetings, 2025 | North Devon Council

Kind regards

The Community Engagement Team (North Devon District Council)

13/02/2025 13:11:49

Christmas and New Year bin collections 2024/25

Just a reminder that waste and recycling collections are different over Christmas and New Year. Please check your festive collection dates on the NDDC website.

Missing your collection date could mean our crews don't have the capacity to collect double on your next round.

Green bin collections are cancelled for two weeks, from Monday 23 December until Friday 3 January.

Collections will return to your normal schedule after the Christmas period from Monday 6 January, 2025. If you're unsure when your usual collection takes place, please visit the NDCC website.

08/12/2024 11:20:50

New DEfRA requirements for keeping birds (no lower limit in numbers)

Thank you to Nigel Penfold for pointing out the following:

As from 1st October, it will be a legal requirement for everyone who keeps any sort of birds on their property to register them with DEFRA. This applies to chickens, ducks, birds of prey ... everything. Previously, if you kept fewer than 50, there was no requirement to register, but there is now no lower limit. Pet birds kept indoors are exempt. The registration process is quick. Details on the DEfRA website.

15/09/2024 08:06:23

New Heritage Skills website (NDDC)

Do you work/train in construction or a trade? Maybe you're a home owner or heritage building enthusiast...?

If so, you should check out NDDC's new website

The Heritage Skills project, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, seeks to address the heritage skills gap in North Devon and help protect the district's local historic buildings.

The aim is to support training and development of the skills needed to maintain the historic buildings and places of North Devon, where we live, work, learn and play. These buildings will go on for many years to come if we look after them well, with the right people, having the right skills, and using the right materials.

The website will host a directory of trades and service professionals, information for property owners, and links to skills and training opportunities; organisers will be hosting a range of course between October 2024 and March 2025. 

12/09/2024 08:06:23

Pension Credit - are you eligible?

If you are over State Pension age, you may be eligible to claim Pension Credit, even if you own your home or have savings. People who claim Pension Credit may also be able to get:

- The Winter Fuel Payment and other help with heating costs

- Help with rent and Council Tax

- A free TV Licence for those aged 75 or over 

- Help with the cost of NHS services, such as NHS dental treatment, glasses and transport costs for hospital appointments

You could be eligible for Pension Credit if your weekly income is below £218.15 or, if you have a partner who lives with you, £332.95. Qualifying income level may be higher in some circumstances.

Don’t miss out.  Check your eligibility at or by calling 0800 99 1234

29/08/2024 07:35:33

Molland Parish Council meetings 2024

Molland Parish Council meetings are held on the second Thursday of every other month (unless otherwise stated), usually starting at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall, Molland. Members of the public are welcome.

  • Thurs 11th January 
  • Thurs 14th March

Thurs 9th May Village Annual Meeting and Parish Council Annual Meeting

  • Thurs 23rd May
  • Thurs 11th July
  • Thurs 12th September
  • Thurs 14th November

For any queries, please contact Ian Fisher, Parish Clerk - 07784 177666

09/11/2023 16:49:22

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